This paper introduces an interesting approach in characterizing the internet topologies by power-laws. The authors argue and demonstrate that simple averaging of parameters of interest does not correctly capture the underlying skewed distributions.
To this end they experimentally identify 3 power-laws (y prop x^a) and show that they hold over the three instances of Internet inter-domain topologies taken during 1998 and a single instance of intera-domain topology from year 1995. The lines predicted by the identified power-laws have above 96% coefficient correlation with actual data points. The identified power-laws are as following:
- Power-Law 1 (rank exponent): The outdegree of a node is proportional to the rank of the node to a power of a constant R. The rank of a node will be determined by ordering the nodes in their decreasing outdegree order and finding the index. The constant R is called the "rank exponent" of the network topology and its value can be measure from the slop of the log-log plot of corresponding parameters. The rank exponent of three inter-domain instances are quite close (~-0.80) and different from the intra-domain instance (~-048) suggesting that it is a good metric in distinguishing the differences among network topologies.
- Power-Law 2 (outdegree exponent): The frequency of an outdgree is proportional to the outdegree to the power of a constant O. This constant is called the outdegree exponent of the network topology. The value of O is quite close for all of the 4 instances (still slightly different for the intera-domain instance) suggesting that PL2 is a fundamental property of any such network. good for ckeckign the realisticness of a network
- Power-Law 3 (eigen exponent): The eigenvalues of a graph are proportional to the order i, to the power of a constant E. i is the order of eigenvalues in a decreasing sequence fashion. E is called the eigen exponent of the network toplogy which again significantly differs in between the inter-domain instances (~-0.48) and intera-domain (-0.177) suggesting it is a good metric for distinguishing the differences among networks.
- Approximation 1 (hop-plot exponent): The total number of pairs of nodes, P(h), within h hops is proportional to the number of hops to the power of a constant H. The hop-plot exponent H can again be measured from the slop of the log-log plots when h is much less than the diameter of the network.
The identified power-laws can be used to verify the validity of a simulation model, improve the protocol analysis and interpolate/estimate the topological parameters of interest.
The paper gives some insight into the underlying effect which causes the validity of identified power-laws which are quite interesting. It seems like after the first significant step the authors had taken in identifying these power-laws, a more detailed study of the underlying effects will be the next natural candidate.
This improved understanding of power-laws will also require to have access to many more sample points (even though it is a tedious process) and network instances. I'm very curious to know what have been the result of studying these power-laws over a richer set of network instances. I believe this is a great paper to be kept in the syllabus.
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